DIY Guides for AWS

These how-to guides that will help you start an create a simple and cheap server solution that will cost around $20/month. These guides includes:

  • Introduction
  • Domain Name
    • Purchase
    • Configuration (DNS)
    • Transfer from GoDaddy
  • Create and configurure your personal virtual server
    • Remote desktop access
  • Hosting web sites / apps on a virtual machine (Windows Server / IIS)
  • Configure your first small business or personal web site
    • WordPress
      • PHP
      • MySQL
  • Host ASP.NET Web Application
    • IIS
    • SQL Server
  • Send-Receive Emails
    • Outgoing (local smtp / IIS), using:
      • Integrated Windows SMTP Relay Service IIS
      • or hmailserver (preferred)
        • Configuring DKIM for hmailserver
      • or AWS SES (Simple Email Service)
    • Outgoing alternative
    • Incoming (MX, txt, spf, pop, accounts, catch-all, …)
  • SVN Server
  • FTP Server
  • Network and Security
    • Firewall
    • private and public IP
  • Monitoring
  • Troubleshooting
  • etc

You can get all that running, for about $20/month, on a EC2 T2.Micro Virtual Machine.

Let’s begin with…

Getting Started with Amazon AWS.

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