how-to fix “usb read error” on toyota mp3 player

I have a 2012 Toyota Yaris, that can play mp3 / aac audio files from an USB key.

So, I bought a 128G usb key, load it with my audio files on it, and it works fine for months.

Then, I decided to update the usb key with new songs. Before copying my files to it, I format it using Windows format utility. Then, I copy all my new mp3 files on it.

And now, what? I can’t read them! My car player always displays the “USB READ ERROR” message. I thought I put too much files on the USB key, so I tried with only 1 album, with the same result.

After lot of research, I found that, using the windows format tool, I changed the original “FAT32” partition, to a exFAT partition type. And, most car player can’t read that partition type.

So, I tried to format it using the command prompt: “format f: /fs:FAT32”. It took almost 1 hour, before completing with the error: “The volume is too big for FAT32”. I tried the “/q” method before, with the same result. That’s why I retry without the /q, but don’t lost your time, it doesn’t work.

I searched again… then I found that, only third party apps can format a large USB key with the real FAT32 format. There were lot of tools that can do that, but I choosed the one that looks the more simple, as I don’t always trust apps from unknown sources…

The app I used is this one: FAT32 guiFormat from Ridgecrop Consultants.

It was just simple, nothing to setup, and does the job perfectly.

I was able to copy all my mp3-aac, and now my can read read them!

Now, I strongly suggest you to make them a donation on their web site if you like this tool.

4 thoughts on “how-to fix “usb read error” on toyota mp3 player”

  1. There is no point in formatting a USB stick > 32 GB using this method as FAT32 only recognises 32GB. You might have a 128GB stick but it’s limited to 32GB.

    1. I think that over 32GB it’s called exFAT, but it works with external tools. But windows can’t.

      1. Mine is 16gb and formated to FAT32 in my computer i guess i’ll try the program you mentioned and thanks

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