How to change the default Log Files location for Filezilla Server

When you enable Logging in FileZilla Server, there’s no option in the configuration to change the location of these files.

By default, you get them in this folder:
C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla Server\Logs

As they say in their documentation, “This location cannot be changed.”

In my case, I like to get all my logs at the same place, e.g. d:\logs, where have all my iis, smtp, hmailserver, … log files.

So, why can’t I get filezilla logs too?

There’s a solution, just follow these steps.

  1. Stop Filezilla Service
  2. Open a command prompt, as admin.
  3. Go to C:\Program Files (x86)\FileZilla Server\ folder.
  4. Rename “Logs” to “Logs2”, (or just delete it)
  5. Type: “mklink Logs m:\logs\filezilla /d”
    1. (replace m:\logs\filezilla with any folder you want)
  6. Restart FileZilla Service

That’s it, Filezilla Server thinks that the local folder exists, but it is located elsewhere!

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