How to fix PowerSeeker 127eq tripod

As many of you, I was amazed by the very low price of the Celestron PowerSeeker 127EQ. And, I really liked it for a few weeks.

But after a while, it starts to be very hard to adjust it using slow motion wheels.

I balanced it horizontally, vertically, I thought the weight was not correctly centered.

But, everything was fine, and it was still very hard to turn it using the wheel that should be help to follow a moving star or planet easily

Then, I found the magic solution! What you need to add in your amateur astronomer kit is a ratchet with a 11/16 inch box.

And, when it starts to be very hard to adjust your telescope using slow motion wheel, just use your ratchet in the hole behind the larger wheel, turn it a little bit, and wow, you can now use that tripod again!

I have to do that very time I use it, as it seems to loose itself very often.